
This is the 195th most frequent Arabic word.

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"التابعة" means "the follower" or "the dependent."

التابعة refers to a subsidiary associated with a parent entity.

الشركة التابعة تقدم خدمات متميزة.

The subsidiary company offers exceptional services.

التابعة refers to a person being associated with or belonging to an organization or group.

الكاتبة التابعة لهذا النادي الأدبي قد نشرت مجموعة قصصية جديدة.

The writer associated with this literary club has published a new story collection.

التابعة indicates an institution associated or affiliated with another entity.

المدرسة التابعة للجامعة تقع في الحرم الجامعي.

The university-affiliated school is located on the campus.