
This is the 992nd most frequent Arabic word.

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Here 'التدريبات' refers to training or practice sessions attended for skill enhancement.

يحضر الطلاب التدريبات بانتظام للحصول على تحسين مستمر.

The students attend the exercises regularly to achieve continuous improvement.

Here 'تدريبًا' denotes a structured training program offered by an organization.

قدمت الشركة تدريبًا مكثفًا للموظفين الجدد لتطوير مهاراتهم.

The company provided intensive training for the new employees to develop their skills.

Here 'التدريب' indicates a process of acquiring practical skills, such as driving.

التدريب على القيادة يتطلب وقتًا وصبرًا لإتقان المهارات.

Training for driving requires time and patience to master the skills.