
This is the 403rd most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "التركية" means "Turkish."

Here, 'التركية' is used as an adjective describing 'اللغة', referring specifically to the Turkish language.

أحب دراسة اللغة التركية لأنها جميلة.

I love studying the Turkish language because it is beautiful.

In this sentence, 'التركية' modifies 'الطعام', indicating that the food in discussion pertains to Turkey.

الطعام التركي مشهور بتنوعه ولذته.

Turkish cuisine is famous for its variety and taste.

'التركية' qualifies 'الثقافة', referring to the cultural aspects associated with Turkey.

سافرت إلى تركيا وتعلمت الكثير عن الثقافة التركية.

I traveled to Turkey and learned a lot about the Turkish culture.