
This is the 485th most frequent Arabic word.

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Heat or temperature.

In this sentence, 'الحرارة' refers to the measure of heat or temperature, particularly in the context of weather.

ترتفع الحرارة في الصيف بسرعة.

The temperature rises rapidly in the summer.

Here, 'الحرارة' is used to denote body temperature, commonly in the context of health.

أشعر بارتفاع في الحرارة، ربما أصبت بالحمى.

I feel an increase in temperature, maybe I have a fever.

In this context, 'الحرارة' refers to thermal conditions affecting machinery or objects.

يعمل المحرك بكفاءة عالية حتى في درجات الحرارة المرتفعة.

The engine works efficiently even at high temperatures.