
This is the 771st most frequent Arabic word.

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"الرقمية" means "digital" in English.

الرقمية describes books that are in digital format rather than physical.

الكتب الرقمية أصبحت شائعة في العصر الحاضر.

Digital books have become popular in the present era.

الرقمية characterizes images created or manipulated in digital formats on computers or other devices.

تصميم الصور الرقمية يتطلب مهارات فنية وتقنية.

Designing digital images requires artistic and technical skills.

الرقمية here refers to something that is digitally operated or related to digital technology.

تستخدم التكنولوجيا الرقمية في التعليم الحديث.

Digital technology is used in modern education.