
This is the 772nd most frequent Arabic word.

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The sixth.

Here, 'السادس' is used as an ordinal number indicating the sixth level of a building.

أنا أعيش في الطابق السادس.

I live on the sixth floor.

In this sentence, 'السادس' indicates the position of a letter within the sequence of the Arabic alphabet acting as an ordinal number.

درسي اليوم هو عن الحرف السادس في الحروف الهجائية العربية.

My lesson today is about the sixth letter in the Arabic alphabet.

Here, 'السادس' is used to denote the sixth position of months in the calendar year, specifying timing.

نحن نخطط لزيارة المدينة في الشهر السادس من السنة.

We are planning to visit the city in the sixth month of the year.