
This is the 733rd most frequent Arabic word.

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"الشرقية" means "eastern" or "the East" in English.

Here, 'الشرقية' acts as a geographic adjective specifying the name of a region.

أعيش في منطقة الشرقية بالمملكة العربية السعودية.

I live in the Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia.

In this context, 'الشرقية' describes cultural characteristics related to the East.

تتميز الثقافة الشرقية بتنوع عاداتها وتقاليدها.

The Eastern culture is characterized by its diverse customs and traditions.

Here, 'الشرقية' is used to describe the eastern region of a country as a locational adjective.

تشهد الشرقية من البلاد مناخًا مُتغيرًا خلال الشتاء.

The eastern part of the country experiences a variable climate during the winter.