
This is the 654th most frequent Arabic word.

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"الشهداء" in English means "the martyrs."

In this sentence, 'الشهداء' emphasizes the martyrs' heroic acts and sacrifices.

يشيدُ المجتمعُ ببطولاتِ الشهداءِ في حماية الوطن.

The community commends the heroism of the martyrs in protecting the homeland.

Here, 'الشهداء' is used to signify individuals remembered for their significant sacrifices.

تحتفظُ الكتبُ التاريخيةُ بذكرياتِ الشهداءِ لأجيالٍ قادمة.

The historical books preserve the memories of martyrs for future generations.

Here, 'الشهداء' refers to those who have died bravely, often in defense of a cause.

زارَت العائلةُ مقبرةَ الشهداءِ لتقدير تضحياتهم.

The family visited the cemetery of the martyrs to honor their sacrifices.