
This is the 163rd most frequent Arabic word.

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The word "الشهر" in English means "the month."

الشهر is used here as a noun to define a unit of time.

الشهر هو فترة زمنية تتكون من حوالي ثلاثين يوماً.

The month is a time period consisting of approximately thirty days.

الشهر is used here to refer to the current ongoing month specifically.

في هذا الشهر، قررت أن أقرأ كتاباً جديداً.

This month, I decided to read a new book.

الشهر is utilized to indicate a duration within a season.

أفضل فصل الصيف على الشتاء، خاصة خلال الشهر الأول منه.

I prefer summer over winter, especially during its first month.