
This is the 389th most frequent Arabic word.

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"الظروف" means "circumstances" or "conditions" in English.

Here, 'الظروف' refers to 'circumstances,' indicating external factors affecting actions.

تغيرت خططي بسبب الظروف المفاجئة.

My plans changed due to unexpected circumstances.

The word 'الظروف' is used to mean 'conditions,' discussing physical or environmental states.

يجب علينا تقييم الظروف المناخية عند الزراعة.

We must assess the climatic conditions when farming.

'الظروف' here means 'circumstances,' highlighting situations influencing decisions.

أحيانًا الظروف تجبرنا على اتخاذ قرارات صعبة.

Sometimes circumstances force us to make difficult decisions.