
This is the 564th most frequent Arabic word.

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"The century" or "the horn," depending on context.

Here, "القرن" is used to refer to a century as a time period of one hundred years.

في القرن الحادي والعشرين، تقدمت التكنولوجيا بشكل مذهل.

In the 21st century, technology advanced astonishingly.

In this sentence, "القرن" is used to mean a horn or trumpet, referring to a musical instrument or a similar sound.

سمعت صوت البوق يشبه القرن في الغابة.

I heard a sound of a horn resembling a trumpet in the forest.

Here, "القرن" describes a horn, referring to the pointed projection on the head of certain animals.

تتميز بعض الحيوانات البرّية بوجود قرن كبير على رأسها.

Some wild animals are characterized by having a large horn on their head.