
This is the 693rd most frequent Arabic word.

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"المحتلة" means "occupied."

Here, "المحتلة" is used as an adjective describing the noun "المناطق" (regions), indicating those regions which are occupied.

المناطق المحتلة تعرضت لتغيير ديموغرافي.

The occupied regions underwent demographic changes.

Here, "المحتلة" is used to describe "المدينة" (city), illustrating a narrative or storytelling context where the city is under occupation.

في الرواية، المدينة المحتلة كانت محاطة بالأسوار.

In the novel, the occupied city was surrounded by walls.

In this instance, "المحتلة" functions as an adjective for "الفكرة" (idea), metaphorically describing a concept that dominates one's thoughts.

الفكرة المحتلة لعقلك تستنزف طاقتك.

The idea occupying your mind drains your energy.