
This is the 566th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "المدني" means "civil" or "civilian."

The word 'المدني' is used as an adjective describing the profession related to civil engineering.

المهندس المدني يبني الجسور والمباني.

The civil engineer constructs bridges and buildings.

Here, 'المدني' describes the type of law that deals with private rights and matters.

القانون المدني ينظم العلاقات بين الأفراد.

Civil law regulates relationships between individuals.

In this sentence, 'المدني' characterizes attire that is typical for non-military individuals.

اللباس المدني ليس عسكريًا ولكنه مناسب للمناسبات اليومية.

Civilian attire is not military but suitable for daily occasions.