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The word "المقرر" in English means "curriculum" or "syllabus."

المقرر refers to a course, specifically in an academic context.

يحب الطلاب المقرر الجديد لأنه شامل ومفيد.

The students like the new course because it is comprehensive and useful.

المقرر means the decision or predetermined result in this context.

هذا هو المقرر النهائي للمسابقة، وسنعلنه بعد قليل.

This is the final decision for the competition, and we will announce it shortly.

المقرر here refers to what is assigned or set, specifically the material.

المادة المقررة في الامتحان تشمل الفصول الثلاثة الأولى.

The material assigned for the exam includes the first three chapters.