
This is the 381st most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "المناخ" means "climate" in English.

In this sentence, "المناخ" refers to the environmental and atmospheric conditions of the Earth.

يتغير المناخ بسرعة بسبب النشاط البشري.

The climate is changing rapidly due to human activity.

In this context, "المناخ" describes the typical weather conditions of a specific geographic location.

المنطقة معروفة بمناخها المعتدل طوال العام.

The region is known for its mild climate throughout the year.

Here, "المناخ" is used metaphorically to describe the general feeling or atmosphere within a particular setting.

المناخ العام في الشركة يعبر عن التفاؤل بعد إطلاق المشروع الجديد.

The general atmosphere in the company expresses optimism after launching the new project.