
This is the 48th most frequent Arabic word.

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"The ministers."

The word "الوزراء" refers to government officials in charge of ministries.

حضر الوزراء الاجتماع المهم.

The ministers attended the important meeting.

In this sentence, "الوزراء" is part of the phrase "مجلس الوزراء" referring to the cabinet or council.

تم الإعلان عن تعديل في مجلس الوزراء.

A reshuffle in the Council of Ministers was announced.

Here, "الوزراء" refers to individuals who held ministerial offices in ancient times.

كتاب يحتوي على تعاليم ونصائح الوزراء القدماء.

A book contains teachings and advice from ancient ministers.