
This is the 449th most frequent Arabic word.

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"إنه" means "indeed he/it is" or "verily he/it is."

In this sentence, 'أنه' connects the main clause with a subordinate clause, introducing a belief about someone's ability.

إني أؤمن أنه قادر على تجاوز الصعوبات.

I believe that he is capable of overcoming difficulties.

Here, 'إنه' is used at the beginning of the sentence as an emphatic form introducing the statement.

إنه يوم جميل للخروج والتنزه.

It is a lovely day to go out and walk.

The word 'أنه' in this sentence links the reporting verb with the reported statement, specifying the content of what was said.

أخبرته أنه يجب أن يكون في الموعد.

I told him that he should be on time.