
This is the 433rd most frequent Arabic word.

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"بهذه" means "with this" or "in this."

The word 'بهذه' functions as a demonstrative adjective meaning 'through this', modifying the noun 'القصة' which translates to 'story'.

بهذه القصة، يمكننا فهم أهمية الصداقة.

Through this story, we can understand the importance of friendship.

The word 'بهذه' acts as a demonstrative adjective meaning 'about these', referring to the noun 'المقترحات' which translates to 'proposals'.

اهتمت اللجنة بهذه المقترحات للنقاش.

The committee cared about these proposals for discussion.

Here, 'بهذه' is a demonstrative adjective meaning 'of these', connected to the noun 'الإنجازات' translating to 'achievements'.

نفخر بهذه الإنجازات الكبيرة.

We are proud of these great achievements.