
This is the 889th most frequent Arabic word.

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"بهم" can mean "lambs" or "young livestock" (plural) depending on context. It can also imply "unclear" or "confused."

Here, "بهم" is used to replace "وجوه الأطفال", serving as an inclusive singular pronoun referring to the previously mentioned noun "الأطفال".

الأطفال يركضون في الحديقة وكان يبدو على وجوههم السعادة بما أنهم يلعبون مع بعضهم.

The children were running in the garden and happiness appeared on their faces as they were playing with each other.

Here, "بهم" refers to "القرارات الجديدة", demonstrating how it provides further information or focus on the noun previously mentioned.

ما رأيك بالقرارات الجديدة؟ إنها لا تهمني ولا أرى أي فائدة بهم.

What do you think of the new decisions? They do not concern me, and I see no benefit in them.

In this sentence, "بهم" refers to ownership or association, specifically "اهتمامهم", indicating the concern of the employees.

قال المدير للموظفين أن يكون اهتمامهم بمصالح الشركة في الأولويات.

The manager told the employees that their interest should prioritize the company's affairs.