
This is the 45th most frequent Arabic word.

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"بيان" in English means "statement," "clarification," or "declaration."

In this sentence, 'بيان' means a statement or explanation provided clearly.

قدم المعلم بيانًا واضحًا عن خطة الدرس.

The teacher presented a clear statement about the lesson plan.

Here, 'بيان' refers to an official announcement or declaration.

اليوم صدر بيان رسمي من الحكومة حول السياسة الجديدة.

Today, an official statement was issued by the government regarding the new policy.

In this context, 'بيان' metaphorically represents an artistic expression, illustrating versatility in its use.

البيان الموسيقي الذي قدمه الفنان كان مدهشًا.

The musical expression presented by the artist was astonishing.