
This is the 103rd most frequent Arabic word.

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"While" or "whereas."

Here، بينما is used to show concurrent events taking place at the same time.

ناقشت الفكرة بينما كنت تتمشى في الحديقة.

I discussed the idea while you were strolling in the garden.

Here، بينما indicates a contrast between two preferences in the context of parallel statements.

هو يحب قضاء الوقت في الهواء الطلق بينما أنا أفضل القراءة في المنزل.

He enjoys spending time outdoors, whereas I prefer reading at home.

Here، بينما introduces a simultaneous action happening in the background of another action.

بينما كان الطلاب يدرسون، كانت الأستاذة تحضر المحاضرة.

While the students were studying, the teacher was preparing the lecture.