
This is the 544th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "تشير" means "indicates" or "points to" in English.

The word 'تشير' here means 'indicate' or 'point to', describing how the arrows show a specific direction.

تشير السهام إلى الاتجاه الصحيح.

The arrows indicate the correct direction.

The word 'تشير' in this sentence conveys the act of 'pointing out' or 'highlighting' something, specifically used in the context of studies or findings.

تشير الدراسات إلى أهمية النوم للصحة.

Studies point out the importance of sleep for health.

In this context, 'تشير' is used to mean 'shows' or 'indicates', referring to the hands of the clock showing the time.

تشير الساعة إلى الخامسة مساءً.

The clock shows five o'clock in the evening.