
This is the 633rd most frequent Arabic word.

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"تقارير" means "reports" in English.

Here, 'تقارير' is used to describe news articles or summaries that convey recent happenings around the world.

الصحفيون يكتبون تقارير يومية عن الأحداث العالمية.

Journalists write daily reports on global events.

In this context, 'تقارير' refers to periodic updates or summaries provided to monitor the status of an ongoing endeavor.

طلب المدير تقارير أسبوعية عن تقدم المشروع.

The manager requested weekly reports on the project's progress.

In this sentence, the word 'تقارير' (reports) is used to refer to written or verbal documents containing detailed information or analysis about a specific incident.

تَمّ تقديم تقارير مفصلة عن الحادثة.

Detailed reports about the incident have been submitted.