
This is the 311th most frequent Arabic word.

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"Jara’" (جراء) can mean "puppies" (plural of puppy) or "as a result of" depending on context.

Here, 'إجراء' is used as a noun meaning 'performance' or 'carrying out', indicating the act of performing an action.

قام الطبيب بإجراء العملية بنجاح.

The doctor performed the operation successfully.

In this sentence, 'جراء' is used as a preposition meaning 'because of' or 'due to', indicating the cause or reason for something.

سُمح لهم بالدخول جراء الضغط الزائد.

They were allowed to enter due to excessive pressure.

Here, 'جراء' functions similarly as in the previous example, referring to the cause or reason for the ensuing actions.

اتبع جراء الظلم سياسات قاسية.

He adopted harsh policies as a result of the injustice.