
This is the 93rd most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "دول" means "countries" or "nations" in English.

Here, "دول" signifies "countries", referring collectively to the nations of the world.

دول العالم تتعاون لمواجهة التغير المناخي.

The countries of the world collaborate to address climate change.

In this sentence, "دول" (countries) is the plural noun for "بلد" (country), referring to multiple nations.

هذه الدول تتميز بالمناظر الطبيعية الخلابة.

These countries are characterized by their breathtaking natural scenery.

In this context, "دول" is used metaphorically or regionally to mean "queries" or "points of discussion", demonstrating its alternative non-literal usage.

كان هناك دول كثيرة بشأن هذا المشروع.

There were many queries regarding this project.