
This is the 76th most frequent Arabic word.

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Nonexistence; absence.

The word 'عدم' is used to indicate a lack or absence of an action (attending in this case).

عدم الحضور إلى الاجتماع أثر على قرارات الفريق.

The absence of attending the meeting affected the team's decisions.

Here, 'عدم' shows the absence or nonexistence of attention towards schedules.

التأخر سببه عدم الاهتمام بالمواعيد.

The delay is caused by a lack of attention to schedules.

In this sentence, 'عدم' expresses the negation of compliance with the laws.

يجب تجنب عدم الالتزام بالقوانين.

Avoiding non-compliance with the laws is a necessity.