
This is the 131st most frequent Arabic word.

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"She said."

Reported speech - 'قالت' introduces a statement made by the subject, the girl.

قالت البنت: "أنا أحب القراءة."

The girl said, 'I love reading.'

'قالت' introduces an indirect quote where the speaker (she) is expressing an opinion about the movie.

عندما انتهى الفيلم، قالت أنه كان مشوقًا.

When the movie ended, she said that it was exciting.

In this context, 'قالت' is used to convey a directive or advice from the speaker's mother.

قالت لي أمي أن أنهي واجباتي المنزلية قبل النوم.

My mother told me to finish my homework before sleeping.