
This is the 332nd most frequent Arabic word.

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"Likewise" or "as well."

In this sentence, 'كذلك' is used to indicate similarity or addition, relating reading and writing.

أنا أحب القراءة وكذلك الكتابة.

I like reading as well as writing.

Here, 'كذلك' is used to indicate similarity or addition, connecting speaking languages and translating books.

هو يتحدث عدة لغات، وكذلك يستطيع ترجمة الكتب.

He speaks several languages, and he can also translate books.

In this context, 'كذلك' is employed to present an additional source of information related to the same news.

لقد سمعت الأخبار من أصدقائي، وكذلك رأيت تقريراً عنها في التلفزيون.

I heard the news from my friends, and I also saw a report about it on television.