
This is the 230th most frequent Arabic word.

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"كشف" in English means "to uncover," "to reveal," or "to discover."

Here, 'كشف' is used in the sense of revealing or uncovering something hidden, specifically the diagnosis of a condition.

كشف الطبيب عن المرض.

The doctor revealed the illness.

In this sentence, 'كشف' conveys the act of disclosing or making known a strategy or plan.

كشف القائد خطة الهجوم.

The commander disclosed the attack plan.

Here, 'كشف' refers to the literal unveiling or revealing of an exhibit, highlighting its ceremonial or formal usage.

كشف النقاب عن تمثال جديد في المتحف.

A new statue was unveiled at the museum.