
This is the 477th most frequent Arabic word.

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"Because" or "for" (used to indicate reason).

Here, 'لأنه' introduces a reason or cause for the emotion expressed.

أحب هذا الكتاب لأنه يحمل أفكارًا جديدة ومثيرة.

I love this book because it carries new and exciting ideas.

'لأنه' in this sentence shows a cause for the described difficulty or problem.

لم أستطع النوم جيدًا لأنه كان هناك ضوضاء شديدة في الحي.

I couldn’t sleep well because there was a lot of noise in the neighborhood.

In this sentence, 'لأنه' is used as a causal connector to explain the reason for the action.

ذهبت إلى المكتبة لأنه كان لدي بعض الكتب المستعارة التي يجب إعادتها.

I went to the library because I had some borrowed books that needed to be returned.