
This is the 395th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "لو" means "if" or "if only," often used to express hypothetical or conditional situations.

The word "لو" is used in a hypothetical conditional context to express an unrealized possibility.

لو كنت ذهبت إلى الحفلة، لاستمتعت كثيرًا.

If you had gone to the party, you would have had a lot of fun.

Here, "لو" introduces a hypothetical condition to ask about a possible scenario.

لو كان عندك وقت فراغ، هل كنت ستقرأ هذا الكتاب؟

If you had spare time, would you read this book?

In this sentence, "لو" serves to introduce a condition that leads to a reaction or outcome.

لو تعرف ماذا حدث لي بالأمس، ستندهش.

If you knew what happened to me yesterday, you would be surprised.