
This is the 795th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "متن" means "text" or "main body (of a text)."

متن here is used to refer to the main body or text of a written work, distinct from its commentary or notes.

قرأ الطالب متن الكتاب بتركيز.

The student read the main text of the book attentively.

متن in this context refers to the deck of a ship, illustrating a physical part of a vessel.

جاء المسافر من متن السفينة.

The traveller came from the deck of the ship.

متن is used here to denote the core or primary content of a text or verbal narration.

وضح الشرح متن الحديث الشريف.

The explanation clarified the main content of the noble hadith.