
This is the 970th most frequent Arabic word.

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Path, route, or course.

The word 'مسار' is used here to mean 'path' in the context of a personal or academic track.

اختار الطالب مسارًا علميًا لتحقيق طموحه.

The student chose a scientific path to achieve his ambition.

In this sentence, 'مسار' refers to a mapped physical route or track.

يتبع القطار مسارًا محددًا للوصول إلى المحطة النهائية.

The train follows a defined route to reach the final station.

Here, 'مسار' is used metaphorically to denote the progression or development of an initiative or idea.

ناقشت اللجنة مسار القانون الجديد وتأثيره على المجتمع.

The committee discussed the trajectory of the new law and its impact on society.