
This is the 83rd most frequent Arabic word.

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In this sentence, 'مليار' is used as a numerical term to quantify the currency value.

تقدر أصول الشركة بمليار دولار أمريكي.

The company's assets are estimated at one billion US dollars.

Here, 'مليار' is used to describe the large quantified number of people, showcasing its plural form 'مليارات'.

يتجاوز عدد سكان العالم سبعة مليارات نسمة.

The global population exceeds seven billion people.

In this example, 'مليار' here reflects its usage in the dual form 'ملياري' when combined with a numerical quantity.

مشروع بناء السد يتطلب ميزانية تقارب ملياري دولار.

The dam construction project requires a budget of approximately two billion dollars.