
This is the 68th most frequent Arabic word.

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The Arabic word "مما" means "which is why," "as a result of," or "of what," depending on context.

Here, 'مما' connects the idea of learning new things to the contribution to skill improvement, serving as a linker meaning 'which' or 'that'.

تعلّمتُ أشياءً جديدةً مما ساهم في تطوير مهاراتي.

I learned new things, which contributed to improving my skills.

'مما' here bridges the action of reading an interesting book with the resulting improvement of the day, emphasizing a consequential relationship.

قرأتُ كتابًا ممتعًا اليوم، مما جعل يومي أفضل.

I read an interesting book today, which made my day better.

In this sentence, 'مما' is used to introduce a cause or explanation linked to the preceding statement, illustrating a logical correlation.

الطفل يفهم بسرعة، مما يُظهر ذكاءه الاستثنائي.

The child understands quickly, which indicates his exceptional intelligence.