
This is the 344th most frequent Arabic word.

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"نتنياهو" (Netanyahu) is a surname, referring to Benjamin Netanyahu, a prominent Israeli politician and former Prime Minister of Israel.

Here, 'نتنياهو' is used as a proper noun referring to a specific individual, namely Benjamin Netanyahu, providing information about his professional title.

نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء إسرائيل السابق.

Netanyahu is the former Prime Minister of Israel.

In this sentence, 'نتنياهو' is used as a proper noun, signifying the person whose policies are being discussed, emphasizing his influence on a specific context.

يعتبر البعض سياسات نتنياهو مثيرة للجدل.

Some consider Netanyahu's policies controversial.

'نتنياهو' here is used as a proper noun to identify the individual depicted in the context of media representation.

ظهرت صورة لنتنياهو في الصحيفة اليوم.

A picture of Netanyahu appeared in the newspaper today.