
This is the 35th most frequent Arabic word.

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"Added" or "he added."

Here, 'وأضاف' signifies that each person contributed their own opinion to a group discussion.

ناقش الأصدقاء الموضوع، وأضاف كل واحد منهم وجهة نظره.

The friends discussed the topic, and each added their perspective.

The term 'وأضاف' is used to mean 'added', indicating the addition of examples to clarify a concept in an educational context.

وأضاف المعلم أمثلة إضافية لشرح الدرس.

The teacher added additional examples to explain the lesson.

In this case, 'وأضاف' is employed to indicate the act of providing additional information, particularly in a formal or public setting.

حضر المخرج المؤتمر، وأضاف بعض التفاصيل حول فيلمه القادم.

The director attended the conference and added some details about his upcoming movie.