
This is the 800th most frequent Arabic word.

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"وتعزيز" means "and strengthening" or "and enhancing" in English.

Here, "وتعزيز" is used to indicate the action of strengthening or promoting the concept of mutual understanding.

يهدف المؤتمر إلى تحسين العلاقات الدولية وتعزيز التفاهم المشترك.

The conference aims to improve international relations and enhance mutual understanding.

Here, "وتعزيز" refers to encouraging or supporting clean energy as a means to sustainability.

نركز على حماية البيئة وتعزيز استخدام الطاقة النظيفة لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة.

We focus on protecting the environment and promoting the use of clean energy to achieve sustainable development.

In this sentence, "وتعزيز" signifies supporting or advancing societal development through education.

إن الاستثمار في التعليم هو أساس بناء المجتمعات وتعزيز التطور الحضاري.

Investing in education is the foundation of building societies and enhancing cultural progress.