
This is the 345th most frequent Arabic word.

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"وحدة" means "unity" or "loneliness," depending on context.

Here, the word "وَحْدَة" refers to 'unity' or 'togetherness', indicating the cohesive bond within the family.

وَحْدَةُ العائلة تجعل الحياة أجمل.

The unity of the family makes life more beautiful.

In this sentence, "وَحْدَة" refers to 'solitude' or 'being alone', describing an emotional state of isolation.

شعرت بالخوف أثناء وَحْدَتِي في الغابة.

I felt scared during my solitude in the forest.

Here, "وَحْدَة" refers to a 'unit', specifically an item or piece of furniture, in a tangible context.

اشتريت وَحْدَة تخزين جديدة للمنزل.

I bought a new storage unit for the house.