
This is the 376th most frequent Arabic word.

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"ولفت" means "and (he/she/it) drew attention" or "and (he/she/it) pointed out."

The word 'ولفت' here is used to indicate 'drawing attention'.

ولفت الكاتب انتباه القراء إلى المشكلة البيئية.

The writer drew the readers' attention to the environmental issue.

The word 'ولفت' in this context means 'attracted' attention.

ولفت التصميم المبتكر أنظار القضاة في المسابقة.

The innovative design attracted the judges' attention in the competition.

The word 'ولفت' is utilized here to mean 'pointed out' or 'highlighted' an idea.

في محاضرته، ولفت العالم إلى أهمية البحث العلمي.

In his lecture, the scientist pointed out the importance of scientific research.