
This is the 757th most frequent Arabic word.

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"ومنذ" translates to "and since" in English.

Here, "ومنذ" is used to indicate a starting point of time for the occurrence of an event with continuity, suggesting an ongoing situation.

ومنذ أن بدأت الأمطار الغزيرة، لم يتوقف السيل.

Ever since the heavy rains began, the flood hasn't stopped.

Here, "ومنذ" specifies the beginning of a timeframe tied to a new development or status.

ومنذ وصوله إلى المدينة، أصبح لديه أصدقاء جدد كثر.

Since his arrival in the city, he has made many new friends.

In this sentence, "ومنذ" is used to question the starting time point of an interest or action, emphasizing a retrospective inquiry.

ومنذ متى وأنت مهتم بهذا الموضوع؟

Since when were you interested in this topic?