
This is the 918th most frequent Arabic word.

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"Among them" or "including."

Here, 'ومنها' is used to list examples of hobbies that were mentioned in the general statement.

توجد العديد من الهوايات التي يمكن ممارستها، ومنها القراءة والكتابة.

There are many hobbies that can be practiced, such as reading and writing.

Here, 'ومنها' introduces specific examples of the important issues discussed in the lecture.

ألقت المحاضرة الضوء على عدة قضايا مهمة، ومنها التعليم والصحة.

The lecture shed light on several important issues, such as education and health.

Here, 'ومنها' identifies specific examples from a broader category or group previously mentioned.

زار السائح عدة مدن تاريخية في المنطقة، ومنها مدينة البتراء.

The tourist visited several historical cities in the region, including the city of Petra.