
This is the 418th most frequent Arabic word.

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"يبلغ" means "he reaches" or "he attains."

Here, 'يبلغ' means 'is' in the context of expressing an age.

يبلغ عمره عشرين عامًا.

His age is 20 years.

In this sentence, 'يبلغ' translates to 'measures' when quantifying a physical property.

يبلغ طول الجدار خمسة أمتار.

The wall's length measures 5 meters.

Here, 'يبلغ' conveys 'reaches' to denote an amount or extent.

يبلغ السكان هذه المدينة المليون نسمة.

The population of this city reaches one million people.