
This is the 441st most frequent Arabic word.

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"يشكل" means "to form," "to shape," or "to pose."

In this sentence, 'يشكل' is used to mean 'represents' or 'constitutes', describing how the project is a challenge.

هذا المشروع يشكل تحديًا كبيرًا.

This project represents a significant challenge.

Here, 'يشكل' is used in the sense of 'constitutes', highlighting the role of diversity in providing an advantage.

التنوع في الفريق يشكل ميزة تنافسية.

The diversity in the team constitutes a competitive advantage.

In this context, 'يشكل' means 'forms' or 'makes up', referring to the significance of the evidence in the development of the case.

وجود الدليل يشكل تطورًا مهمًا في القضية.

The presence of evidence forms an important development in the case.