
This is the 61st most frequent Arabic word.

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"يكون" means "he/it is" or "he/it becomes" (present tense of the verb "to be" or "to become").

Here, 'يكون' is used to describe a state or condition, acting as the verb 'to be' in English, commonly used in formal contexts.

يكون الطقس جميلًا في الربيع.

The weather is beautiful in spring.

In this sentence, 'يكون' is used in combination with 'قد' to express possibility or probability.

قد يكون الأمر صعبًا في البداية.

It might be difficult at the beginning.

Here, 'يكون' is used to express the necessity of being in a certain state, following a modal verb.

يجب أن يكون مستعدًا للاختبار.

He must be prepared for the test.