
This is the 256th most frequent Armenian word.

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The Armenian word "Տիգրան" (Tigran) is a male given name, historically associated with Armenian kings.

Here, 'Տիգրան' is a proper noun, used as a person's name addressing someone.

Տիգրանը լավ ընկեր է։

Tigran is a good friend.

In this sentence, 'Տիգրանի' is the possessive form of the name 'Տիգրան', indicating ownership or association.

Տիգրանի շուրթերը ժպտում էին։

Tigran's lips were smiling.

Here, 'Տիգրանին' is the dative case of the name 'Տիգրան', functioning as the indirect object in the sentence.

Մենք հանդիպեցինք Տիգրանին։

We met Tigran.