
This is the 530th most frequent Azerbaijani word.

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Three-sided or trilateral.

In this sentence, 'üçtərəfli' (trilateral) is used as an adjective describing a legal agreement involving three parties.

Üçtərəfli müqavilə tərəflərin razılığı əsasında imzalandı.

The trilateral agreement was signed based on the consent of the parties.

Here, 'üçtərəfli' (trilateral) describes an analytical approach involving three perspectives.

Tədqiqat zamanı hər mövzu üçtərəfli aspektdən təhlil olundu.

During the research, each topic was analyzed from a trilateral perspective.

In this context, 'üçtərəfli' (trilateral) refers to discussions involving three groups or entities.

Üçtərəfli danışıqlar bu həftə Bakıda keçirildi.

The trilateral talks were held in Baku this week.