
This is the 546th most frequent Azerbaijani word.

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The Azerbaijani word "bütövlüyünün" means "its integrity" in English.

Used to indicate the wholeness and completeness of an entity in a context of preservation.

Onun bütövlüyünün qorunması çox vacibdir.

The preservation of its integrity is very important.

Refers to the seamless and unbroken state of a text that should remain intact.

Mətnin bütövlüyünün pozulmaması üçün yazını diqqətlə redaktə et.

Edit the text carefully to avoid compromising its integrity.

Indicates the sovereign and united state of the country in the context of its defense and protection.

Ölkənin bütövlüyünün müdafiəsi hər bir vətəndaşın borcudur.

The defense of the country's integrity is the duty of every citizen.