
This is the 625th most frequent Azerbaijani word.

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"Edilməsinə" means "to be done" or "of being done" in English, depending on the context.

The word 'edilməsinə' is used here as a noun form referring to the act of 'being done' or 'being adopted' (in this case, a decision).

Bu qərarın qəbul edilməsinə ehtiyac var.

There is a need for the adoption of this decision.

Here, 'edilməsinə' is employed in a conditional subjunctive manner to denote acceptance or agreement to an action being performed under certain conditions.

Kitabların toplanıb kitabxanaya gətirilməsinin heç kim tərəfindən edilməsinə razı deyillər.

They disagree with the books being collected and brought to the library by anyone.

In this sentence, 'edilməsinə' refers to the execution or implementation of an action, emphasizing the procedural aspect.

Layihənin icra edilməsinə dair yazılı sübutlar təqdim edildi.

Written evidence regarding the execution of the project was provided.