
This is the 341st most frequent Azerbaijani word.

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"In the struggle" or "in the fight."

Here, "mübarizədə" indicates participation in competitive sports activities, underlining effort and participation.

İdmanda mübarizədə hər kəs bacarıq və əzmini nümayiş etdirir.

In sports battles, everyone demonstrates their skill and determination.

In this context, "mübarizədə" implies the metaphorical struggles of life, focusing on personal growth and perseverance.

Həyat mübarizədə insan özünü inkişaf etdirməlidir.

In the struggle of life, one must develop oneself.

In this sentence, "mübarizədə" refers to being involved in a struggle or contest, emphasizing the context of competition and unity.

Mübarizədə qalib gəlmək üçün birlik vacibdir.

To win the battle, unity is essential.